Individual psychotherapy
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance!” (O. Wilde)
You feel stuck, uncomfortable and you can’t live your life to the fullest? You don’t know what you want or how to achieve it? Do you feel apart from yourself and you can’t appreciate the value of your existence?
Sometimes we are suspended between problems that we don’t understand and problems we don’t face that may interfere with the present. Psychic suffering may appear in different forms as anxiety, panic attacks, recurring and intrusive thoughts, profound discouragement. The symptoms can be the wake-up call for a deeper malaise.
Individual Psychotherapy not merely intervenes on the symptoms, but it is also a process of self-comprehension and personal development. Through the psychotherapy you can discover new possibilities of being and find in your story all the aspects that make it beautiful, worth living and sharing.
In my work I use a humanistic approach that consider the person in its complexity, entirety and unicity. I work on the Here-and-Now, showing how to experience new life approaches, far from the problems of the past and the worried of the future. My practice is guided by empathy and absence of judgment.
Contact me to know how psychotherapy works.

Individual psychotherapy
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance!” (O. Wilde)
You feel stuck, uncomfortable and you can’t live your life to the fullest? You don’t know what you want or how to achieve it? Do you feel apart from yourself and you can’t appreciate the value of your existence?
Sometimes we are suspended between problems that we don’t understand and problems we don’t face that may interfere with the present. Psychic suffering may appear in different forms as anxiety, panic attacks, recurring and intrusive thoughts, profound discouragement. The symptoms can be the wake-up call for a deeper malaise.
Individual Psychotherapy not merely intervenes on the symptoms, but it is also a process of self-comprehension and personal development. Through the psychotherapy you can discover new possibilities of being and find in your story all the aspects that make it beautiful, worth living and sharing.
In my work I use a humanistic approach that consider the person in its complexity, entirety and unicity. I work on the Here-and-Now, showing how to experience new life approaches, far from the problems of the past and the worried of the future. My practice is guided by empathy and absence of judgment.
Contact me to know how psychotherapy works.

Couple psychotherapy
“To belong to someone means to enter with his idea in the idea of him or her and make a sigh of happiness” (A. Merini)
During the story of a couple, you face different stages: courting, falling in love, construction of the couple, living together, birth of a child…
In this shared journey, all couples go through times of crisis and troubles. Some of them can seem insurmountable. If you are in a situation of long-lasting discomfort, if you feel that you are in a vicious circle of problems. If your autonomous attempts of resolution were not enough to improve the relationship, starting a couple psychotherapy can be a great help.
In the couple therapy the focus is on the couple, not on the individuals. I will help you to find new creative solutions to your problems, start to speak with your partner and break the repetitive and destructive relational dynamics.
EMDR Therapy
“I think this man is suffering from memories.” (S. Freud)
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic approach that facilitates the treatment of various psychopathologies and problems related to traumatic events and more common but emotionally stressful experiences.
When traumatic experiences are not adequately processed, they continue to affect our feeling and behavior, giving rise to different psychological disorders.
EMDR focuses on the memory of the traumatic experience. It is a methodology that uses eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation to facilitate and accelerate the desensitization and processing of traumatic events.
The improvement with EMDR is rapid: uncomfortable memories are less emotionally charged, intrusive thoughts fade, and negative emotions and physical sensations are reduced in intensity.
Through EMDR sessions, I can help you to have a significant change in your traumatic experiences- finally, you can feel that the trauma is in your past, a distant memory.
Contact me for further information.

EMDR Therapy
“I think this man is suffering from memories.” (S. Freud)
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic approach that facilitates the treatment of various psychopathologies and problems related to traumatic events and more common but emotionally stressful experiences.
When traumatic experiences are not adequately processed, they continue to affect our feeling and behavior, giving rise to different psychological disorders.
EMDR focuses on the memory of the traumatic experience. It is a methodology that uses eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation to facilitate and accelerate the desensitization and processing of traumatic events.
The improvement with EMDR is rapid: uncomfortable memories are less emotionally charged, intrusive thoughts fade, and negative emotions and physical sensations are reduced in intensity.
Through EMDR sessions, I can help you to have a significant change in your traumatic experiences- finally, you can feel that the trauma is in your past, a distant memory.
Contact me for further information.

Existencial therapy and counselling
“We are all artists of life – whether we know it or not, will it or not and like it or not” (Z. Bauman)
You often question yourself about “what I want to do in my life?”, “which academic/professional path should I chose?”
Making a decision can be stressful sometimes, especially when you are in front of new and different possibilities. Moreover, moving to another country can be disorientating. London is a very different and stimulating environment both at cultural and professional level, but also tiring and confusional.
Analysing the context in which you live, your competences and resources is fundamental to understand what you want to do and how to achieve it.
During these meetings you will have the chance of being accompanied during the choice of the personal and professional path that is the best for you. More consciousness of yourself and the context, Here-and-Now.
Call me to schedule an existential counselling session: I will help you to feel more secure and ready to make decision about your future.
Outdoor session
“When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves” (D. Orr)
When we think about the psychologist, we always think of the classical image of the studio with two armchairs or a couch.
Have you ever felt better after a walk along the river, or after being in a park listening to the nature sounds or simply looking at the wind moving the trees’ leaves?
Many scientific researches have shown that being absorbed in natural contexts has positive effects on the body and the mind: stress reduction, increase of mnemonic capacities and self-confidence, a greater perspective of psychophysical vitality.
It is possible to benefit from these and other reliefs also for you that are not living in the countryside, but in a chaotic city as London.
Schedule an outdoor psychotherapy session and you will have the possibility to live a new way of taking care of yourself. You could start from experiencing a more stable connection with the earth, feeling part of it and enjoying its beauty.
According to the difficulties and aims of the therapy, these meetings could be integrated with mindfulness techniques.

Outdoor session
“When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves” (D. Orr)
When we think about the psychologist, we always think of the classical image of the studio with two armchairs or a couch.
Have you ever felt better after a walk along the river, or after being in a park listening to the nature sounds or simply looking at the wind moving the trees’ leaves?
Many scientific researches have shown that being absorbed in natural contexts has positive effects on the body and the mind: stress reduction, increase of mnemonic capacities and self-confidence, a greater perspective of psychophysical vitality.
It is possible to benefit from these and other reliefs also for you that are not living in the countryside, but in a chaotic city as London.
Schedule an outdoor psychotherapy session and you will have the possibility to live a new way of taking care of yourself. You could start from experiencing a more stable connection with the earth, feeling part of it and enjoying its beauty.
According to the difficulties and aims of the therapy, these meetings could be integrated with mindfulness techniques, meditation and pet-therapy.

Relaxing techniques
“Since our inner experiences consist of reproductions and combinations of sensory impressions, the concept of a soul without a body seem to me to be empty and devoid of meaning.” (A. Einstein)
Stress, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, relational tensions, irascibility, sleep disorders, frequent physical discomforts as headache and stomach-ache, are some examples of psychophysiological balance change.
Our organism indeed is a complex system made of the interaction between mind and body. Relaxing techniques act both on mental and physical level, helping you regulate and manage tense situations.
Through these meetings you will experience and learn different techniques to establish again your balance and increase your psychophysical well-being.
The techniques I propose are:
- Autogenic training
- Mindfulness and meditation
- Breathing exercises
- Music-therapy
- Guided imagery
Call me for further information and choose the best technique for you and your needs.